
Sam Vander Wielen

omg, it’s here!! 📚



You can now preorder my book, When I Start My Business, I’ll Be Happy: A Practical No-BS Guide to Successful Online Entrepreneurship!!! 😆

Here’s the link I’ve been waiting to drop for MONTHS!!

My book is blowing up behind the scenes. 😳

Amy Porterfield, Nathan Barry (CEO of Kit), Laura Belgray, and Pat freakin’ Flynn all wrote endorsements for it. In the publishing world, endorsements are called blurbs.

And as these online giants kept raising their hands, saying “hell yeah, I’ll write a blurb about this book,” my copywriter and I were losing our shiiiit…ake mushrooms over text. ⬇️

Farnoosh Torabi, Reader!!

Here’s what she says about When I Start My Business, I’ll Be Happy 👇

“Sam teaches you how to increase your revenue without increasing your stress. This book teaches you exactly how to build a profitable online business, without any of the gimmicks or tricks. You’ve got to read this book — your business’s wallet depends on it.”

Obviously, these freakouts stay between you and me, Reader. If anybody asks, the publishers, my copywriter Katelyn, Richelle (the book coach to the online stars), and I stayed cool as cucumbers.

But back to the point of this email 👉 CAN I SHOW YOU THE BOOK COVER?!?


Sam Vander Wielen’s hard-earned wisdom comes from building a business through life’s toughest challenges, and now she’s here to help you do the same. She’ll guide you to discover what truly matters, so you can build something that lasts and transforms you along the way. - Amy Porterfield, New York Times bestselling author of Two Weeks Notice and Host of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast

Want your copy?


Go here to preorder it right 👏now!👏

As a thank you for ordering so early — something that’s CRUCIAL to debut authors like me — I’m offering you 2 bonuses for a limited time.

I’ll list them in a sec, but srsly… if I get enough pre-orders, the chances of my book getting picked up by the media increases.🤞Ditto for getting it on the shelves of wayyy more bookstores (like your local one!) 🤞🤞🤞🤞

So yeah, I could really use your help, Reader. 🙏

Here are those bonuses, offered for a limited time only. 👇

BONUS #1: The Ultimate Email List Growth Toolkit ($300 value): my brand new free email course that has everything you need to create irresistible freebies, grow your email list, and turn subscribers into loyal customers.

It includes 4 video trainings…

  • #1: How to Create An Irresistible Freebie
  • #2: How to Get People to Sign Up For Your Email List
  • #3: 3 Things Every Nurture Sequence Must Have
  • #4: How to Track Your Email List Data


  • Storytelling Email Walkthrough [video]
  • 20 Weekly Email Prompts [pdf]
  • Lead Generation Data Tracker template
  • Tips on how to regularly assess your lead gen performance

Annnd BONUS #2…

The No-BS Book Club: A Live Experience to Go Beyond the Book ($500 value): 4 live 90-min calls with me, Sam, so you can go from pages to profits. This is where you’ll get to unpack the concepts I share inside the book, then chat with me about how to use them to grow your business.

Book club meetings are scheduled for these dates (and yes, you’ll get the replays):

  • May 1st [intro, welcome, chapters 1-4]
  • May 15th [chapters 5-6]
  • May 22nd [chapters 7-8]
  • May 29th [chapters 9-11]

Each week, I’ll kick off with a 5-15 minute presentation, focused on those ^ chapters. We’ll also hold a Live Q&A during each session where you can ask me questions, troubleshoot, and discuss how you’ll apply what you just learned to your actual business (or soon-to-be business if you haven’t started yet).

These bonuses are only available until Jan 17, so go preorder your copy of When I Start My Business, I’ll Be Happy: A Practical No-BS Guide to Successful Online Entrepreneurship. ⬇️

Don't skip the steps outlined on this page to redeem your bonuses!

This book is a must-read if starting your business feels like a pipe dream.

It’s also a must-read if you’re 5 years in, and you’re craving some mean marketing pointers. Like my mindset coach friend, who’s 8 years in and can’t wait to get her hands on my funnel tips.

I’m trying to stay unattached to outcomes, but my copywriter recently told me about this “Can you imagine if…” exercise she learned from Cameron Herold. It’s an exercise where you let your most unhinged business goals be an option.

Here’s mine:

Can you imagine if When I Start My Business, I’ll Be Happy became a New York Times Bestseller?!??

My publishers say it’s somewhat impossible.

But if you want to lend a hand, nothing would make me happier than if you preordered it right now, so I can find out for myself.

As a thanks to you, I’ll send you those two incredible bonuses. Think of it this way - wouldn’t you pay $30 just to have that email course I created for you?!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for sharing in my excitement! 😆

PS — did I mention my book’s out for preorder! When you preorder your copy right now, I’ll spoil you with free bonuses including my brand new email list-building course, The Ultimate Email List Growth Toolkit.

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Sam Vander Wielen

My weekly emails are half “how not to break online biz laws.” And half “marketing that actually works.” If you’re interested in growing (not just a legally sound online business), but one that sustains you for YEARS to come by focusing less on trends and more on sustainable strategies that work while you're not — join 37,000+ others who love having me in their inbox each week:

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