
Sam Vander Wielen

You are not lost

🌶️ A Spicy Deal

Not sure what to do when a client owes you money?

Scoop up my Late Payment Email Template that shows you what to say, when and what not to do to accidentally waive your rights. Get paid and avoid legal hot water? Yes and yes.

Download my Late Payment Email Template →

You're Not as Lost as You Think

When I first started going to my gym, I would glance over at the other people in class to figure out what I was supposed to be doing.

🏋️ "Oooh," I thought, "She's holding the weight like this, not like that."

Almost as soon as I'd "fix" what I was doing "wrong," I'd hear my Bronx-talkin' trainer, Lorraine, scream from across the room to stop "doing it wrong" (except she says it more like wrahng 🤣)

Why did I just assume that lady knew what she was doing and I didn't?

Why was I looking to anyone else for cues?

Last week, we holed up for the week in a cottage up in northern Vermont and rode out sub zero temps and a snow storm that just wouldn't quit.

After having my biggest launch to date a few weeks ago, I needed time to rot.

I caught up with the new SNL docuseries "Beyond Saturday Night" and was blown away by how much it spoke to me as a creative person.

In the series, comedians Bill Hader and Andy Samberg talk about the first time they saw each other in the elevators at 30 Rock, both heading off to their 5-min auditions for SNL.

Andy Samberg stepped onto the elevator, arms full of props he picked up at Party City.

Bill Hader got on the elevator with nothing.

"Sh*t," they both thought as they took in the image of their competition.

"I shouldn't have brought all these props," Andy thought, "that guy's so good he doesn't even need props!"

"I should have brought props..." Bill worried.

Each of them thought the other had the right audition strategy.

But in reality...

They both got the job at SNL and went on to have successful careers.

Turns out, there wasn't one right way to audition for SNL...

Just like there isn't one right way to build your business. (But I imagine some props wouldn't hurt...)

So looking to "that girl" on Instagram carrying "props" while you're not -- and then assuming that her way is the right one...

Is keeping you stuck.

The reality is, most business owners you see are doing their best.

And if they're anything like me, what you see is more experimentation than anything else. Some of those experiments are successful, many are not.

This convo deserves a deeper conversation, so I recorded an 11-min podcast episode for you. LISTEN HERE

In this week’s episode of On Your Terms, let's unpack the myth that everyone else knows what they’re doing (spoiler: they don’t) and how to stop using others as a rubric for your own success. Plus, I dropped a big announcement at the end—trust me, you’ll want to hear this one.

Once you listen to the episode, hit "reply" and let me know whether it (and this email!) resonated with you.

Talk soon, Reader!

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When you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

💌 Get my free Legal Guide [Free] - A step-by-step legal guide that teaches you how to start and legally protect an online business without accidentally breaking any laws.

📝 Shop my DIY Legal Templates [Starting at $47] - Get your lawyer-drafted contracts and website policies done in 15 minutes or less with my fill-in-the-blank templates.

🎉 Join the Ultimate Bundle® - [Start for $229 today] Get 14 DIY Legal Contracts + policies, plus training, and community support.

📚 Read my Book - [$30 where ever books are sold] This isn’t just another business book. When I Start My Business, I’ll Be Happy is your no-nonsense guide to building and growing your online business. Inside, I’ll walk you through my proven marketing strategies, funnel tactics, and email list-building techniques that actually work—no fluff, just results. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up, this book gives you the roadmap to success.


"What if my client and I both have contracts? Do we use both or one?"

Don't use 2 contracts because it's highly likely they each say different or competing things. It's unclear what language applies and that leads to unenforceable contracts.

For example, if your contract says New York law controls your contract, and theirs says California, which state's law applies in the event of a dispute?

Ideally, if you're in the "power" position (ie, the one hiring a contractor, or the coach to a client) you would send the contract to be used.

If you find yourself in a 2-contract situation:

  1. Let them know that clarity is important -- and using 2 contracts is unclear.
  2. Offer to send your contract over and ask them to review it and request any changes they would like to be made (they can ask to insert parts of their agreement, if they would like.)
  3. Review their suggested changes and decide what works for you.
  4. Revise, resend & sign (using an E-Sign Act compliant website)

Got a legal question? Submit yours here →

Everyone's Faking It

It's easy to assume that every other business owner has it all figured out.

🪄 Or like they've got access to some online business magic that's being held in the Online Business Chamber of Secrets.

In reality, there are so many ways to build a business that "work" -- but you have to stop looking to what everyone else is doing long enough to figure out what that means for you.

In this week's episode of my podcast, On Your Terms®️, I dive into the idea that we're all just doing our best -- and likely don't have any mysterious info you don't have access to.

So how do you build your business without thinking everyone else has the answers? I'll tell you in 11-mins here ⤵️

🎧 LISTEN HERE→ Why You're Not as Lost as You Think (+ BIG NEWS!)

✨ PS. Starting next Monday, March 3, I'm hosting a 4-part "Happy Trap" series on my podcast, On Your Terms®️ where we'll talk about:

  • the real reason you feel stuck, even after you hit the goal you wanted
  • how there is more than one way to build a successful business
  • why you don't need any more followers to be successful and how to maximize what you do have
  • the hustle = success lie and how to run a chill business (that's profitable)

3 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email List

Growing your email list isn’t about luck—it’s about strategy.

After years of experimentation, I’ve nailed down the three most effective ways to attract the right subscribers and turn them into engaged buyers.

These strategies don’t require ads, complicated tech, or a huge audience. But there’s one big mistake I see entrepreneurs making that keeps their list from growing (and it’s probably not what you think).

🎥 WATCH NOW→ 3 Ways I Grew My Email List to 46k Subscribers

🎉 You're Invited!

I'm hosting a book party in New York City on Thursday, April 17 at 6pm! Do you want to come?

CLICK HERE→ to let me know you're interested in attending and I'll send you more details.

We'll have food, drinks & some of the best people in the online business industry (makes for a great networking event 😉).

Hope you can make it!

Unsubscribe | Update my Name and Email PO Box 1112, Setauket, NY 11733

Sam Vander Wielen

My weekly emails are half “how not to break online biz laws.” And half “marketing that actually works.” If you’re interested in growing (not just a legally sound online business), but one that sustains you for YEARS to come by focusing less on trends and more on sustainable strategies that work while you're not — join 37,000+ others who love having me in their inbox each week:

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